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Learning Management Solution


An online framework which can be utilized as e-learning content creation and accessibility, quizzes, and certification. IFTAS’ Learning Management Solution is an interactive, web-based, plug-and-play platform hosted on the IFTAS Cloud. This comprehensive suite of e-learning courses and assessments helps bankers and other end users across India to enhance their skills and knowledge. LMS helps banks not only ensure that their employees are equipped with the latest skillset but also allows them to customize training content, track learner assessment, attendance, registration and more through a scalable and hassle-free operating experience. LMS offers forums, chats, and blogs to help learners connect and enhance their learning experience. Learners can access LMS through the web and Android-enabled phones.



Suitable for 24/7 online e-learning
Unlimited access                                   
Unlimited access to training materials
Multi channel                                   
Multi-channel access
easy yet comprehensive
Organized data / record keeping 
Scalable and wide reach
Training and orientation                                   
Social pedagogy to boost employee training and orientation
Information exchange                                   
Simple and Secured information exchange


What LMS offers


  • User management
  • Course enrolment & management
  • Registration & attendance tracking
  • Reports - Admin & MIS
  • Event Management & Notifications

Course Content

  • Customized Training Content
  • Complete digital availability
  • Personalized accessibility & delivery
  • Cross-Domain content support


  • Delivery of student assessments
  • Tracking of learner progress
  • Grading & Certification


  • Assignment, Quiz, survey, Forums, Blogs, Feedback, Chat.

Authentication Mode

  • User Credentials
  • LDAP Integration
  • Web services

External Integration

  • HRMS
  • SMS Gateway
  • Email Gateway

Platform Usage

  • Web
  • Mobile – Android
  • Hosted – IFTAS cloud
  • Enterprise-class infrastructure
  • Network Redundancy
  • Scalable with HA


  • Multiple Checks & Validation
  • Data Encryption (Rest & Transit)
  • Multi-Tier Cloud Security